
West Metro UCC Lenten Suppers and Worship Services

The West Metro UCC Lenten suppers and worship services continue this Lent. See the dates and places below. Supper will be served at 5:30 pm. Worship will begin at 630 pm.

Thursday, March 13: St Mark’s UCC

Thursday, March 20: Union will host. Please contact Denise Heinbuch if you can help with the


Thursday, March 27: Morningside Hills (formerly Edina Morningside)

Thursday, April 3: Chapel Hills UCC

Thursday, March 10: Lynnhurst Congregational UCC

May your Lenten practices be enriched with these Lenten services and gatherings.

Blessings and peace,

Pastor Liz

Pastor Liz Mahan

Union Park Flats Grand Opening

The Grand Opening for Union Park Flats will be held on Monday April 8. 2025.  Check back for more information.

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed to help assemble welcome baskets and information to distribute at Union Park Flats. See Mary Lee to volunteer or obtain additional information.